The best in Book Link - Our Recommendations
This update was made on April 21, 2011.

There are 81 books available in the subject
Our experts panel recommend the following 5 books as best selections

Title: Sri Bhagavatamu - Upakhyanamulu
Author: Prabhala Venkatanagalakshmi
Year of Publication: 2007
Price: USD $ 1.45

Title: Sri Pothana Bhagavatha Madhurimalu
Author: Balagangadhar Patnaik
Year of Publication: 2009
Price: USD $ 1.27

Title: Srimad Bhagavatha Pancharatnamulu
Author: Balagangadhar Patnaik
Year of Publication: 2008
Price: USD $ 0.55

Title: Srimadbhagavathamu
Author: Elchuri Muralidhar Rao
Year of Publication: 2008
Price: USD $ 9.09

Title: Yasodakrishna
Author: Chalasani Vasumathi
Year of Publication: 2008
Price: USD $ 2.73

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The S&H cost purely depends on the weight of the book.
This in turn, depends on the size and the number of pages of the book.
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